tree labyrnth

10 reasons why people change their minds

February 07, 20244 min read

10 reasons why people change their minds.

Why do people struggle to change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours when change is supposed to be the only constant?

I think its because many of the 60000 daily thoughts we have are repetitive and reinforce the familiar, which appears to be very important to most of us.

So how do people change their minds? What is required for change to happen?

In this article, I am going to list 10 very good reasons why.

1. The Power of New Information:

New information often changes minds. When presented with facts, data, or experiences that challenge their ideas, people may change their minds quickly or slowly. Have you ever read a book that changed your direction?

2. Life experiences:

Personal experiences shape worldviews, attitudes, and values. Experiences like travel, meeting new people, and overcoming obstacles can broaden vistas and change minds.I often encourage clients to do social activities and make more connections.

3. Inner conflict creates motivation to find harmony.

This is otherwise known as cognitive dissonance. "Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that arises from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. This term is used in the field of psychology to describe the discomfort experienced when a person's thoughts, attitudes, or behaviours are inconsistent with each other. For example, a person who smokes despite knowing the health risks is in a state of cognitive dissonance." When thoughts and behaviours conflict, people may change their beliefs to feel better. Wouldn't you prefer to be more congruent?

4. Social Circle Influence:

Social interactions shape our thoughts. Peer pressure, conversations with friends, and the varied social viewpoints we find on social media can change the way we see things. We are all subject to a certain degree of influence, aren't we? People may change their ideas to fit in. You can see that happen when someone wants to join a gang or a cult. The fact is that we are social creatures, and we look around us to find a consensual reality with others. I heard someone say, "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."

5. Emotional resonance:

Emotions are the fuel that drives change. Strong emotional connections can change people's minds. For example, if you really love someone, you might change a few things to accommodate their needs. A moving story, a difficult event, or a revelation from within can all cause emotions that motivate a person to change. A good time to do affirmations is when you feel emotional, because it is hypnotic. We tend to forget things that we don't feel emotional about, don't we?

6. Educational Development and Lifelong Learning:

Learning and seeking information can change lives. People may discover new perspectives when they learn more about different topics. Learning throughout life promotes intellectual flexibility and change.

7. Personal Growth and Maturity:

Personal growth and maturity come with time. Beliefs evolve with people as they get older. More nuanced and mature perspectives may reconsider what once appeared absolute. I'm pretty certain that you can remember a belief you once held that you have since changed, or a time when you changed your mind about something.

8. Media, culture, and society:

Media, culture, and society can shape beliefs. Different cultural standards, societal attitudes, or media depictions can cause people to change their minds. Social conditioning is a powerful force. We have some politicians who are afraid of tik-tok for this reason. We have presidents on Twitter.

9. Reflection and Self-Discovery:

Deep reflection and self-discovery help people examine their views and motivations and help to order their thinking. Some people seek out therapy to assist with this process. In a world full of distraction, we are missing out on taking the time to process things naturally.

10. Resilience and adaptability:

People are flexible and resilient. The ability to adapt, overcome obstacles, and progress shows human potential. This adaptability allows people to change their ideas to handle life's challenges.

Conclusion: Changing one's mind depends on both internal and external factors. The human mind's elasticity and resilience allow it to adapt in response to new information, experiences, feelings, or social dynamics. Book a free chat with me if you want to find out more about changing your mind. I can certainly help you find a way to do that.

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Roland Stimpson

Hypnosis for anxiety

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tree labyrnth

10 reasons why people change their minds

February 07, 20244 min read

10 reasons why people change their minds.

Why do people struggle to change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours when change is supposed to be the only constant?

I think its because many of the 60000 daily thoughts we have are repetitive and reinforce the familiar, which appears to be very important to most of us.

So how do people change their minds? What is required for change to happen?

In this article, I am going to list 10 very good reasons why.

1. The Power of New Information:

New information often changes minds. When presented with facts, data, or experiences that challenge their ideas, people may change their minds quickly or slowly. Have you ever read a book that changed your direction?

2. Life experiences:

Personal experiences shape worldviews, attitudes, and values. Experiences like travel, meeting new people, and overcoming obstacles can broaden vistas and change minds.I often encourage clients to do social activities and make more connections.

3. Inner conflict creates motivation to find harmony.

This is otherwise known as cognitive dissonance. "Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that arises from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. This term is used in the field of psychology to describe the discomfort experienced when a person's thoughts, attitudes, or behaviours are inconsistent with each other. For example, a person who smokes despite knowing the health risks is in a state of cognitive dissonance." When thoughts and behaviours conflict, people may change their beliefs to feel better. Wouldn't you prefer to be more congruent?

4. Social Circle Influence:

Social interactions shape our thoughts. Peer pressure, conversations with friends, and the varied social viewpoints we find on social media can change the way we see things. We are all subject to a certain degree of influence, aren't we? People may change their ideas to fit in. You can see that happen when someone wants to join a gang or a cult. The fact is that we are social creatures, and we look around us to find a consensual reality with others. I heard someone say, "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."

5. Emotional resonance:

Emotions are the fuel that drives change. Strong emotional connections can change people's minds. For example, if you really love someone, you might change a few things to accommodate their needs. A moving story, a difficult event, or a revelation from within can all cause emotions that motivate a person to change. A good time to do affirmations is when you feel emotional, because it is hypnotic. We tend to forget things that we don't feel emotional about, don't we?

6. Educational Development and Lifelong Learning:

Learning and seeking information can change lives. People may discover new perspectives when they learn more about different topics. Learning throughout life promotes intellectual flexibility and change.

7. Personal Growth and Maturity:

Personal growth and maturity come with time. Beliefs evolve with people as they get older. More nuanced and mature perspectives may reconsider what once appeared absolute. I'm pretty certain that you can remember a belief you once held that you have since changed, or a time when you changed your mind about something.

8. Media, culture, and society:

Media, culture, and society can shape beliefs. Different cultural standards, societal attitudes, or media depictions can cause people to change their minds. Social conditioning is a powerful force. We have some politicians who are afraid of tik-tok for this reason. We have presidents on Twitter.

9. Reflection and Self-Discovery:

Deep reflection and self-discovery help people examine their views and motivations and help to order their thinking. Some people seek out therapy to assist with this process. In a world full of distraction, we are missing out on taking the time to process things naturally.

10. Resilience and adaptability:

People are flexible and resilient. The ability to adapt, overcome obstacles, and progress shows human potential. This adaptability allows people to change their ideas to handle life's challenges.

Conclusion: Changing one's mind depends on both internal and external factors. The human mind's elasticity and resilience allow it to adapt in response to new information, experiences, feelings, or social dynamics. Book a free chat with me if you want to find out more about changing your mind. I can certainly help you find a way to do that.

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Roland Stimpson

Hypnosis for anxiety

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